Our Elite Instructors | Sanjit Mandal & John Crose

Total karate experience over 60 years.


VIDEO: performing Sepai and bunkai with his wife for a fundraiser

  • Sanjit Mandal has over 31 years of Martial Arts training. He first started with Tae Kwon Do in June 1988. In 1989 he started training with Sensei Hiroshi Sakumoto in Japanese Goju Ryu Karate do. Mr. Mandal was an enthusiastic practitioner, training four to five times a week. He earned his Shodan (first degree black belt) in August 1993 at the young age of 15. Mr. Mandal continued to train often, as he enjoyed being challenged mentally and physically and earned his Nidan (second degree black belt) at the age of 17. As a youth he was an avid junior competitor in open tournaments, returning with trophies in kata (forms) and kumite (sparring).
  • In 1996, Mr. Mandal moved to Boston, MA to attend Northeastern University. In 1997, his Sensei passed away and always inspired him to continue to train and to teach others. In November 1997, he started the Northeastern University Goju Ryu Karate-do Club at the age of 19. Mr. Mandal produced4 USANKF national champion and over 250 medals and trophies at collegiate, local, regional, and national tournaments. We overtook top universities like Harvard, MIT, Boston College, Boston University, Brown University, Westpoint, and more.
  • In April 2005, Sanjit attended a 3 day 15 hour seminar followed with a Shinsa (audition of rank), and was awarded a All Japan Karatedo Federation Goju Kai Nidan (second degree black belt) by three 8th, one 7th, one 6th, and two 5th degree JKF black belts. The JKF is the oldest and highest karate federation in the Japan and the world. In addition, he was awarded a Seiwa Kai Sandan (third degree black belt).
  • In the summer of 2009, Mr. Mandal was awarded aSeiwa Kai Yondan (4th degree black belt) and in November 2013 in Mexico after participating in a 15 hour seminar he earned his All Japan Karatedo Federation Goju Kai Yondan (4th degree black belt). His panel consisted of one 8th, three 7th, two 6th dan, and two 5th degree JKF black belts.
  • After focusing on teaching and training under Sensei Vassie Naidoo in Santa Monica for 3.5 years, he decided to start competing again. Being the eldest of all of his competitors, most around 20, he managed to earn, two 2nd place and 3rd place medals. and hopes to continue to train and compete to demonstrate that age isn’t the factor; instead, it is the quality of the training.

Other recent achievements:

  • 1st place 2014 USA-NKF National Championships Men’s Okinawan Kata
  • 1st place 2018 USA-NKF National Championships Men’s Okinawan Kata
  • 1st place 2018 USA-NKF National Championships Men’s 35+ Advanced Kata
  • 3X Silver Medalist USA-NKF Northern California Karate Championships (2010, 2011, & 2014)
  • 5X USA-NKF New England Champion (kata & kumite)
  • 3X USA-NKF New England Vice Champion (kata & kumite)
  • 5X NECKC Advanced Kata Champion (team & individual)
  • 2nd place 2003 Fall NAKF/NECKC Men’s Black Belt Advanced Kata
  • 3rd place 2003 USA-NKF National Championships Men’s Okinawan Black Belt Kata
  • His current instructors are:
    • Seiichi Fujiwara – 8th dan Seiwa Kai and JKF Goju Kai
    • Leo Lepinski – 8th dan Seiwa Kai and 8th Dan JKF Goju Kai (deceased in 2018)
    • Vassie Naidoo – 8th dan Seiwa Kai, 6th JKF Goju Kai, and 6th dan WKF (World Karatedo Federation) (Santa Monica)
    • Jim Pounds – 7th dan Seiwa Kai and 5th JKF Goju Kai (Austin, TX)
    • Johnpaul Williams – 6th dan Seiwa Kai and 5th dan JKF Goju Kai (San Francisco)